# http://www.tarsnap.com/scrypt.html # see scryptenc_setup() in lib/scryptenc/scryptenc.c 0 string scrypt\0 scrypt encrypted file >7 byte x \b, N=2**%d >8 belong x \b, r=%d >12 belong x \b, p=%d # https://age-encryption.org/ # Only the first recipient is printed in detail to prevent repetitive output # in extreme cases ("ssh-rsa, ssh-rsa, ssh-rsa, ..."). 0 string age-encryption.org/v1\n age encrypted file >25 regex/128 \^[^\ ]+ \b, %s recipient >>25 string scrypt >>>&0 regex/64 [0-9]+\$ (N=2**%s) >>&0 search/256 \n->\ \b, among others 0 string -----BEGIN\ AGE\ ENCRYPTED\ FILE----- age encrypted file, ASCII armored