View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000589fileGeneralpublic2025-01-30 20:58
Reporterqoheleth Assigned Tochristos  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version5.45 
Fixed in VersionHEAD 
Summary0000589: Variable bitrate MP3s incorrectly identified as 64 kbps
DescriptionWhen running `file` to classify an MP3 file, if the MP3 is encoded with a variable bitrate, `file`'s output classifies it as a 64 kbps MP3 regardless of the actual average bitrate of the file.

I'd expect that in situations like this, `file` either gives the correct average bitrate, or at least refrains from reporting a bitrate if it's not sure.
Steps To Reproduce1. Download the attached MP3
2. Run `ffmpeg -i example.mp3` and verify that it detects a bitrate of 102 kb/s
3. Run `file example.mp3` and verify that it reports `MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, 64 kbps`
TagsNo tags attached.



2024-12-16 14:18


example.mp3 (442,496 bytes)   


2025-01-30 20:58

manager   ~0004177

Added magic to detect variable bitrate on v1 mp3s

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-16 14:18 qoheleth New Issue
2024-12-16 14:18 qoheleth File Added: example.mp3
2025-01-30 20:57 christos Assigned To => christos
2025-01-30 20:57 christos Status new => assigned
2025-01-30 20:58 christos Status assigned => resolved
2025-01-30 20:58 christos Resolution open => fixed
2025-01-30 20:58 christos Fixed in Version => HEAD
2025-01-30 20:58 christos Note Added: 0004177