View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000624fileGeneralpublic2025-02-13 21:48
Reportervmihalko Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version5.46 
Summary0000624: erofs filesystem UUID not shown correctly
DescriptionThis report is an excerpt from:

The file utility does not correctly display the filesystem UUID of an EROFS image on x86_64, aarch64, and ppc64le architectures. Below is an example from x86_64:

# blkid test_x86_64.img
/var/tmp/fker/test_x86_64.img: UUID="4a674a42-b130-4a28-807e-26356eecfa14" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="erofs"

# file test_x86_64.img
test_x86_64.img: EROFS filesystem, compat: SB_CHKSUM MTIME, blocksize=12, exslots=0, uuid=424A674A-30B1-284A-807E-26356EECFA14

The UUID output differs between blkid and file.
Steps To Reproduce# file test_x86_64.img
Additional InformationI tested the bcachefs UUID parser from, and it resolves the issue. What are your thoughts on using this approach?

--- a/magic/Magdir/filesystems
+++ b/magic/Magdir/filesystems
@@ -2640,7 +2640,7 @@
 #>1060 lelong x \b, blocks=%d
 #>1064 lelong x \b, metadata@%#x
 #>1068 lelong x \b, xattr@%#x
->1072 guid x \b, uuid=%s
+>1072 use bcachefs-uuid
 >1088 string >0 \b, name=%s
 >1104 lelong >0 \b, incompat:
 >>1104 lelong &1 LZ4_0PADDING

I haven't created a patch yet because I'm unsure whether the ", uuid=" part should be moved to the uncommented line above (exslots).
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2025-02-13 21:48


test_x86_64.img (4,096 bytes)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-13 21:48 vmihalko New Issue
2025-02-13 21:48 vmihalko File Added: test_x86_64.img