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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000615fileGeneralpublic2025-01-14 23:09
Reporterfridtjof Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version5.46 
Summary0000615: Some ASAR archives are not detected reliably
DescriptionSome ASAR archives I've encountered seem to have one less closing brace at the end of their header.

The current magic detection in magic/archive seems to be based on the assumption that the header always ends with four closing braces.

With an archive created by the 'asar' CLI utility, this generally applies (see the attached dir.json I carved out of the also attached dir.asar): every file/directory listed here has an extra 'integrity' key which is another object (thus four closing braces - integrity < file < top level "files" key < top level object). Depending on nesting, this yields at least four closing braces because the 'integrity' field always seems to come last. This was implemented with asar 3.1.0 released in September 2021 (

However, e.g. Discord ships ASAR files without this integrity information for some reason (maybe they're still using an old version of asar, or explicitly decided to omit it). Their .asar also contains a single 'package.json' at the top level which is listed last, producing an edge case where the header ends with only three closing braces.

The solution seems simple to me:

Reduce the match from "string }}}}" to "string }}}" and adjust the offset accordingly (from ">>(12.l+12)" to ">>(12.l+13)").

Steps To Reproducecurl -LO
tar xf discord-0.0.79.tar.gz Discord/resources/app.asar
file Discord/resources/app.asar
# this just shows 'data'
TagsNo tags attached.



2025-01-14 23:09


dir.json (249 bytes)
dir.asar (268 bytes)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-14 23:09 fridtjof New Issue
2025-01-14 23:09 fridtjof File Added: dir.json
2025-01-14 23:09 fridtjof File Added: dir.asar