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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000626fileGeneralpublic2025-02-22 15:01
Reportermgkurtz Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Platformx86_64OSDebianOS Versiontesting
Product Version5.46 
Summary0000626: Extracting name from `#!/usr/bin/env interpreter` lines is imprecise
DescriptionI just noticed a few subtleties concerning shebangs with `/usr/bin/env`: For reference, here is the responsible code from `Magdir/varied.script`:

0 string/wt #!\ /usr/bin/env a
>15 string/T >\0 %s script text executable
Steps To ReproduceHere are some corner cases collected via Debian Code Search:

A quite [common]( one:
#!/usr/bin/env -S make -f
Result: `a -S make -f script`.

A [strange]( one:
#! /usr/bin/env tclsh
Result: `a v tclsh script`. Curiously, the result remains the same here, when one replaces the fixed offset `15` by a relative offset of `&0`. I guess that the `w` flag does not properly compute the offset for the continuation lines.

And an [erroneous]( one:
Result: `a hon script`.
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-22 15:01 mgkurtz New Issue