View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000627fileGeneralpublic2025-02-26 18:33
Reportermadprofessor Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformLinuxOSdebianOS Version12
Product Version5.44 
Summary0000627: file shows php script as C++ source
Descriptiontestfile is a php script.

# ls -l testfile
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 9396 Jan 13 09:48 testfile
root@smsapi-lon1a:/tmp# file testfile
testfile: C++ source, ASCII text
Steps To Reproducedo as in description
TagsNo tags attached.



2025-02-26 18:33


testfile (9,396 bytes)   

// Am using php for this because Perl's Net::RabbitMQ intermittently (and very often) generated
// "frame read error" errors (or words to that effect) when trying to consume from the queue. I
// couldnt' figure out why, but that made it very unreliable.

    print "WORKER STDOUT\n";
    error_log("WORKER STDERR");

    // define this so that the callbacks from the service proiders get the proper versioned path to the callback endpoint:
    define ('KREST_ENDPOINT_PATH_PREFIX', '/v1');

    $parent_dir = dirname(__DIR__);
    require_once 'ClassAutoloader.php';
    require_once "$parent_dir/vendor/autoload.php";

    use PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AMQPStreamConnection;
    use PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage;

    $provider_key = 'sinch';
    $provider_keyword = Config::Get("RabbitMQ/sms/providers/$provider_key/keyword");
    $providerID = \Provider::GetID($provider_keyword);

    $MB_queue_name          = Config::Get("RabbitMQ/sms/providers/$provider_key/queue_name");
    $MB_host                = Config::Get('RabbitMQ/host');
    $MB_port                = Config::Get('RabbitMQ/port');
    $MB_heartbeat_interval  = Config::GetOptional('RabbitMQ/heartbeat_interval') ?? 0;
    $MB_user                = Config::Get('RabbitMQ/sms/consume_user');
    $MB_pass                = Config::Get('RabbitMQ/sms/consume_pass');
    $MB_vhost               = Config::Get('RabbitMQ/sms/vhost');

    while (1)
            print "Connecting to database\n";
            $db = DBH::RW();
            print "Connected to database\n";

            print "Connecting to $MB_host, vhost=$MB_vhost\n";
            $MQconnection = new AMQPStreamConnection
                host:       $MB_host,
                port:       $MB_port,
                user:       $MB_user,
                password:   $MB_pass,
                vhost:      $MB_vhost,
                heartbeat:  $MB_heartbeat_interval,
                keepalive:  true
            print "Connected to $MB_host, vhost=$MB_vhost\n";

            $channel = $MQconnection->channel();
                prefetch_size:  0,
                prefetch_count: 1,
                a_global:       false

            $message_handler = function (\PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage $msg) use ($db)
              { return submitSMS($db, $msg); };

                queue:        $MB_queue_name,
                consumer_tag: '',
                no_local:     false,
                no_ack:       false,
                exclusive:    false,
                nowait:       false,
                callback:     $message_handler,
                ticket:       NULL,
                    //'count' => 1,

            print "Consuming RabbitMQ queue $MB_queue_name\n";
            print "Finished consuming from RabbitMQ\n";

        catch (\Exception $e)
            error_log("Caught ".get_class($e).": ".$e->getMessage());


    // function barf(string $msg)
    //   { throw new \Exception($msg); }

    function submitSMS(\DBO $db, \PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage $MBmsg)
        $msgstruct = NULL;

            echo date('H:i:s').'  received ', $MBmsg->body, "\n";

            $msg = new \MsgQtoSMSC\MsgOutParsed($MBmsg->body);

            # get the records locked to this transaction:
            $recipIDs = $msg->recipIDs;
            $recipIDCSVQ = $db->quoteListCSV($recipIDs);
            $lockedIDs = $db->selectAllColumn("SELECT ID FROM message_out_recipients WHERE ID IN ($recipIDCSVQ) FOR UPDATE");
            if (count($lockedIDs) !== count($recipIDs))
              { throw new TempError(sprintf("Failed to lock all rows; expected %d but locked %d", count($recipIDs), count($lockedIDs))); }

            $submit_res = \LibSMS\Message::SubmitToSMSC
                from:               $msg->from,
                to:                 $msg->to,
                body:               $msg->body,
                internal_messageID: $msg->internal_messageID,
                clusterID:          $msg->clusterID,
                expires_at:         $msg->expires_at

            if (!$submit_res)
                error_log("Failed to submit SMS message to SMSC");
                return false;

            $query = "UPDATE message_out_recipients SET ".
                        "provider_messageID=? ".
                      "WHERE messageID=? ".
                      "AND status IN ('queued','pending') ". # should never be pending, but just in case that bit went wrong
                      "AND ID IN ($recipIDCSVQ)";
            $db->exec($query, $submit_res['service_providerID'], $submit_res['provider_messageID'], $msg->internal_messageID);

            $MBmsg->ack(multiple: false);

        catch (MsgQtoSMSC\TempError $e)
            error_log("Temp sms submit failure: ".$e->getMessage());

        catch (MsgQtoSMSC\PermError $e)
            error_log("Permanent sms submit failure: ".$e->getMessage());
            error_log("Need to write to failure queue, or something");
            $MBmsg->ack(multiple: false);

        catch (Exception $e)
            error_log("Error submitting message: ".$e->getMessage());

  } // namespace

namespace MsgQtoSMSC
    class MsgOutParsed
        private $props = [];

        public function __construct(string $json_src)
                $struct = json_decode
                    associative:  false,
                    flags:        JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR
            catch (\Exception $e)
              { throw new PermError("Unable to decode message: ".$e->getMessage()."\nBODY=$json_src"); }

            foreach (['internal_messageID','type','direction','from','to','body','clusterID','recipIDs','expires_at'] as $reqprop)
                if (!isset($struct->$reqprop))
                  { throw new PermError(get_class().": src property missing or not set: $reqprop"); }

            if ($struct->type !== 'sms')
              { throw new PermError("Message type is not 'sms'; it is '{$struct->type}'"); }

            if ($struct->direction !== 'out')
              { throw new PermError("Message direction is not 'out'; it is '{$struct->direction}'"); }

            foreach (['internal_messageID','clusterID'] as $intprop)
                if (!is_numeric($struct->$intprop) || !preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $struct->$intprop))
                  { throw new PermError(get_class().": src property $intprop non-valid: {$struct->$intprop}"); }
            foreach (['to','recipIDs'] as $non_empty_arrayprop)
                if (!is_array($struct->$non_empty_arrayprop))
                  { throw new PermError(get_class().": src property $non_empty_arrayprop is not an array"); }
                if (empty($struct->$non_empty_arrayprop))
                  { throw new PermError(get_class().": src property $non_empty_arrayprop is empty"); }
            foreach ($struct->recipIDs as $recipID)
                if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $recipID))
                  { throw new PermError("Non-valid recipID in source data: $recipID"); }

                foreach ($struct->to as $i=>&$recip)
                  { $recip = new \TelNum($recip); }
            catch (\Exception $e)
              { throw new PermError("Bad recipient number at offset $i: $recip"); }

              { $struct->expires_at = new \Timestamp($struct->expires_at); }
            catch (\Exception $e)
                error_log("Bad src struct: ".print_r($struct,1));
                throw new PermError("Bad expires_at value: {$struct->expires_at}");

            $this->props = (array) $struct;

        public function __get($prop)
            if (($val = $this->props[$prop] ?? NULL) !== NULL)
              { return $val; }
            if (array_key_exists($prop, $this->props))
              { return NULL; }
            throw new \Exception("No such property: ".get_class($this)."->$prop");

    class TempError extends \Exception

    class PermError extends \Exception


testfile (9,396 bytes)   

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-26 18:33 madprofessor New Issue
2025-02-26 18:33 madprofessor File Added: testfile