View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000634fileGeneralpublic2025-03-23 15:47
Reporterhanker Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformLinuxOSArch LinuxOS Version6.13.7.arch1-1
Product Version5.46 
Summary0000634: .Xresources file mistakenly identified as image/x-xcursor
Description.Xresources is a plain text file, but file mistakenly identifies it as an image. The previous version of file did not have this issue.
Steps To Reproduce1. Download the attached `.Xresources` file.
2. Run `file -b --mime-type .Xresources` and see that the output is `image/x-xcursor`.
Additional InformationAdding a comment to the top of the file fixes the issue. It seems like the issue is caused by the first 4 bytes of the attached file being Xcur, which causes file to misidentify it as an image instead of a plain text file.
Tagsbug, regression



2025-03-23 15:47

reporter   ~0004192

.Xresources (68 bytes)   
Xcursor.theme: Qogir
Xcursor.size: 32
Xft.dpi: 150
Xft.antialias: 1
.Xresources (68 bytes)   

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-23 15:46 hanker New Issue
2025-03-23 15:46 hanker Tag Attached: bug
2025-03-23 15:46 hanker Tag Attached: regression
2025-03-23 15:47 hanker Note Added: 0004192
2025-03-23 15:47 hanker File Added: .Xresources